(1) The Group
The group will be known as “Uttlesford Badger Group” (hereinafter referred to as ‘the group’)
The group maybe abbreviated to UBG when required.
(2) The Aims of the Group
To promote the protection and conservation of Badgers generally, and specifically within the group’s operational territory which will be the North-West corner of Essex known as Uttlesford.
To dispense information, advise and/or assistance on Badger- related matters to members of the public when requested.
To liase with other local Badger Groups, The Badger Trust, and any other Wildlife / Preservation / Conservation groups to promote the conservation of Badgers.
To assist the Emergency Services and/or any Veterinary Surgeons in any incident where a Badger is /or maybe involved.
To liase with the Local/ National Government Departments or other Local/ National bodies, when required to protect the Badgers in Uttlesford
(3) Membership
An annual fee will be proposed by the Chairman to include membership running costs, and the Levy imposed by the Badger Trust, to be confirmed by vote at a meeting convenient to it’s Implementation.
Members must meet the following criteria:
They must be at least 16 years of age.
They can satisfy the group that they do not participate in bloodsports, do not own dogs used for bloodsports, and do not possess equipment which is used for trapping or snaring.
They are willing to participate in the activities of the group.
They have no convictions for any offences under the Badgers Acts, or the Wildlife and Countryside Acts.
They agree to abide by the Constitution of the Uttlesford Badger Group, confirmed by their signature on their application form.
Should their duties within the group require identification, ie Field Officers and anyone dealing with callouts, upon submission of a passport photograph a laminated identity card will be provided which should be carried on all relevant occasions and produced on demand.
(4) Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be granted by the group at it’s discretion to any individual or body who has provided assistance or aid to the group over a period of time. Honorary members will receive the same rights as Full members, but no annual fee is payable.
Note: for Full Membership of the group- if a person is employed in a position either directly or indirectly related to bloodsports, such as a gamekeeper, gunsmith etc, but they do not participate in such sports and can satisfy the group as to their integrity, then they will not be debarred from membership under section (b) above.
(5) Officers of the Group
The officers of the group will be elected by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the group, normally held on the second Wednesday in March. Elected officers will hold their post(s) until the following AGM, when they may stand for re-election if so desired. Any member may stand for election (after being proposed and seconded by other members) to any number of posts, and if so elected by the group may hold more than one post at a time. If any officer should die, resign or become incapacitated then a replacement may be elected at the next group meeting following the event by a show of hands, Any officer so elected will hold the post until the following AGM where they can stand for re-election.
The officers of the group will be as follows:- Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Merchandiser, Events Organiser, Website and Data Co-ordinator and named Field Officers.
(6) Conduct
No member of the group will deliberately attempt to bring the name of the group into disrepute, any member who does so will be asked to explain their actions to a full meeting, and if their explanations are unsatisfactory to the group they may be asked to resign. If they should refuse to resign, the chairperson will be empowered to suspend or expel them from the group, whereupon they will not be allowed to rejoin for a period of five years, at the discretion of the chairperson.
No member of the group shall impart any of the group knowledge to any person outside the group without just cause , including but not restricted to: Natural and Artificial Sett Locations, Personal Details of other members (without their permission), Details of any Future Plans or Surveys that the group is involved with.
Any group member expressing opinions to members of the Media shall seek to express the true opinions of the group as a whole, and not be restricted to their own personal views. No member shall express any opinion in the name of the group on any subject not related directly to Badgers.
(7) Accounts
Accounts will be produced annually by the Treasurer and submitted for approval at the AGM. The accounting year will be from the first day of March to the last day of February.
In the event of the Uttlesford Badger Group having to be disbanded and not amalgamated with another group, the incumbent Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer will arrange for the most financially efficient disposal of remaining stock and equipment and, having settled all outstanding obligations, distribute the remaining funds equally between the Badger Trust and the Wildlife Charities which have assisted the group on a regular basis.
If amalgamated with another group then the percentage dispersal of the funds between that group and the Wild Life Charities shall be discussed at the last meeting before disbandment.
The last disbandment clause has been added after a ballot of all members by post of which only 55% replied, all of whom were in favour of the above financial distribution. This action was deemed necessary because of falling membership numbers and lack of interest from the public as a whole.
All actions are duly noted in the group’s minutes.
Amended on the 7th September 2010
By R. Perry